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My friend Larry Katzen is just as evocative with words as he is with numbers — a rare gift. This beautiful story shows that the road warrior can also be a spiritual warrior.
— Deepak Chopra, M.D. and author
A person who always tried to do what was right and lived by the firm’s culture of think straight – talk straight.
— David Maxwell, Former Chancellor of Drake University
Larry’s exceptional and personal candor will arm readers with very valuable leadership insights.
— WR Howell, former CEO and Chairman of JC Penney
You will enjoy reading this adventure – I guarantee it.
— George Zimmer, Former Chairman of The Mens Wearhouse
Katzen illuminates how one can engage in their work, develop meaningful relationships and be involved in continuous learning. This is a must read for anyone interested in maximizing their career growth.
— Jan Torrisi-Mokwa, CEO and founder of Congruence-Inc.
An entertaining read that captures the evolution of a relatively small accounting firm into an industry leader and its sudden downfall.
— Donald Zale, former CEO and Chairman of Zale Corporation