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Book Reviews

“This reading was very insightful. Your career is an example that when you work hard, the results appear.” – Fernando Moura

“Your commitment to your family, the firm and your people was inspiring.” – Rodney Green

“I have to admit that before I read your book, I had an ignorantly negative opinion of the name Arthur Andersen, but after reading I wish the firm was still in existence.” – Alexis Park

“WOW! I just couldn’t put it down. – Tom Tone

“The stories in the book were amazing and I really enjoyed it. Congratulations on such a great book.” – Larry Dunn

“Your story should be used in all undergraduate programs to inspire those going into the profession. It shows opportunities, belief in the profession, and being able to adopt the uncertainties in life and work.” – John Samore III

“And You Thought Accountants Were Boring” is a book about what an accountant does in public accounting. It makes public accounting exciting.” – Tom Kelly

“Thoroughly enjoyed your book. Interesting and well written. All around well done.” – John Danahy

“Your book is so good! It has re-motivated me and reassured me in many ways relating to how I run my business, as well as my obligation to give back to industry and society.” – Mitch Phillips

“I was intrigued by the fact you wrote the book. Very sad and huge governmental overreach to make an example of the pre-eminent accounting firm in the world.” – Michael Gallagher

“Larry describes many key firmwide events, including the decision to split the firm in two business units, the tension between the two units, the Arthur Andersen/Andersen Consulting arbitration, the selection of a new leader following Larry Weinbach’s retirement and, of course, Enron and the firm’s demise. These and other events are presented in a very candid way.”- Dick Measelle

“Too few people appreciate the culture and traits that Arthur Andersen instilled in the accounting profession. Even fewer people have any appreciation for this hard work and sacrifice that professionals and their families endured to serve clients.” – Scott Mason